Military invades PC Azire church premises, occupy classrooms

At least two classrooms of the Presbyterian School Azire in Bamenda, housed elements of the Cameroon military who forcefully installed themselves on August 31.
According to an audio clip circulating online and which this reporter has listened to, the parish pastor for PC Azire, Rev. Acha Gerald said the military men dropped by the premises which houses both the school and church buildings unannounced with their mattresses.
Rev. Acha Gerald said three of the soldiers later approached him demanding keys to school classrooms while he was in a meeting with CWF executives.
In an exchange in French, the soldiers informed the clergyman that only the lieutenant who had asked for their dispatch from Koutaba could respond to them taking residency in the classrooms.
The pastor said the soldiers left when they learned that he was not in possession of keys to the classrooms. Disclosing of their will to handle the situation.
According to the aforementioned audio, the pastor expressed worry that the presence of government soldiers in the classrooms would deter parents from bringing their children for admission as the next academic year commences soon.