Bamenda: Men of God justify why they preach on streets

Men of God in Bamenda, the main City of the North West region are of the opinion that the gospel is not only preached in churches, but it can be preached everywhere be it on the streets or in marketplaces.
According to Apostle Roland a preacher of the gospel in Bamenda, “I preach the gospel on the streets to feel what people are going through and they are some people who hear the gospel only on the street because they don’t have the chance to go to the church, the reason being that they are some people who sell from Monday to Sunday and may not have the chance to make it to the church.”
Preaching the gospel on the streets and marketplaces is however always challenging as people are always busy with one thing or another.
“People listen to the gospel with the inner ears, I may be preaching on the street and someone that is passing might just grab a word from my whole preaching and God can use only that one word to change their entire life”
He also added that “you may not call the attention of everybody but the Holy Spirit is the one to convince and take the message into the heart of the people and my own role is only to preach it.”
However, some preachers on the streets rate the impact of their message on the population when they are in agreement with what they are saying.
Many people don’t believe the message of these preachers nowadays due to the rising number of churches. Some say some preachers are using the gospel only to make money for themselves by extorting the poor.
But according to Frank another preacher, in Matthew 22:14, “Jesus prepared a banquet and sent people to go and invite people in the highway because many are called and only a few make the right choice. Jesus Christ dealt with the sins of the world, the devil is fighting people to reject the message of truth because he knows that his own time is short and that’s why he is manipulating the minds of people by giving them the wrong doctrine.”
He also added that ” life is a choice and God has given each person the choice to choose between life and death”