Back to school 2022: war against clandestine schools launched

In a joint release signed by the ministers of basic and secondary education, 442 schools risk being shut down at the start of this new school year.
326 in the basic education sector and 117 at the secondary level. The schools ,all private, are accused of operating without a licence, not having a condusive learning environment, being built inside family homes and of not having a clear distinction between the primary and secondary levels among others
The fight against clandestine institutions in Cameroon has been going on for many years and is clearly nowhere near its end.
After the October 2020 massacre at Mother Francisca International College in Fiango-Kumba, the government declared the school was not recognised. A similar declaration was made about the Bilongue primary school in Douala where a pupil was beaten to near death.
In 2021, few days to school resumption, 179 primary clandestine schools were closed in the Centre, West and Littoral regions against 106 in the secondary education sector. The Littoral region and Douala specifically had 58 clandestine schools.
A joint team from both education ministries is expected in the field to execute government orders.