World radio day: many still prefer radios

By Stephen TADAHA
Having a radio as a companion in offices, when driving, farming or siesting remains an old habit still embraced by many Cameroonians because it informs, entertains and educates them while they go about their duties.
This classic medium which is being celebrated worldwide this Tuesday February 13 under the theme “Radio: a century informing, entertaining and educating” is being threatened nowadays with the arrival of social media although many still uphold the habit of listening to radio.
“I listen to radio throughout the day when at work. You can notice it by yourself. When at home I watch TV,” Joseph, a radio lover tells us.
” I like listening to the radio, especially community radio because it informs me of happenings around me. Those are things others radios won’t do,” Joseph adds.
World Radio Day is an opportunity to celebrate radio as a medium. It is a chance to promote international cooperation between radio broadcasters, to encourage major networks and local radio stations to foster access to information and freedom of expression.
According to figures from UNESCO, the World counts over 44 000 radio stations. Cameroon counts over 600 state owned, community, private and university radio stations with over 50% of the population listening for over four hours yearly according to mediametrie.