Twin Brothers become Pilots for the same Airline

By Hans Ngala
A pair of identical twins has made news by becoming the first officers for Alaska Airlines in the USA. Alaska Airlines announced that Alex and Alan will become the first set of identical twins to fly for them in the airline’s 90 years of existence.
The twin brothers grew up in Kenya until they were 13 when they moved with their parents to the USA and their parents got them a flight simulator which elevated their interest in aviation – a passion they would eventually turn into a career.
Alaska Airlines which is the sixth largest airline in North America in terms of fleet size noted in a statement that:
“The brothers have their parents to thank for their love of aviation. Ever since they were three years old, they would go plane spotting with their dad every Sunday after church. Their mom also brought them along on every business trip where they were bored with everything except the flights. The brothers moved from Kenya to California when they were 13 and brought their love of airplanes with them.”
While Alaska Airlines is headquartered in Seattle, Washington; Alan’s regular route will be from San Francisco in California while his brother Alex will mainly fly from Los Angeles but there it is still possible that both brothers will be able to fly a plane together.
Ebony magazine, the leading Africa-American (Black) magazine in the US has already made a Facebook post celebrating the hiring of the Kenya-born duo and accolades have been pouring in for the two.