Kupe Muanengube II: MP Fonge Julius Donates To His Constituency, A Challenge To Other Parliamentarians

By Nadesh Eduke
According to a vox pop recently conducted by Cameroon News Agency to find out from Cameroonians if they knew their representatives in parliament, only 1 in every 10 respondents said they knew their parliamentarians. One of the reasons for not knowing them was because most of them didn’t visit their localities nor do anything for the people they are representing.
Another contributing factor is because most of them do not know the role of their parliamentarians. In the midst of all this confusion and negligence, few of Cameroon’s parliamentarians have stood out in service to their people. They are separating themselves from others who have normalized nearness to their people only when they need votes.
Amongst these few is the Member of Parliament for Kupe Muanengube II whose good works have stuck on the lips of his people.
Honourable Chief Doctor Fonge Julius has been described as the “Man of the Time” because of his timely interventions to the needs of the people of Nguti Subdivision. Members of some communities in his subdivision have over the weekend appreciated his concern and donations to their communities.
This happened on April 24, 2021, during a donation exercise where he gave some materials to some communities. When asked why the donations, the educationist explained he has always wanted to help his people. He added that he wants to share their difficulties and good moments because he is one of them.
“I also want to be a good example to other politicians and the upcoming ones. I don’t have to come to my people only when I need votes, but I have to be with them at all times. Whatever I am doing, I am doing for Nguti,” the MP explained to CNA.
Items donated by Honourable Chief Doctor Fonge Julius
- During the donation exercise on Saturday, the Babubock community received donations of 8 mattresses, 2 Solar panels worth over 450.000 FRS to Babubock Health Centre and 100.000 FRS for installation and transportation.
- The Nguti District Hospital also received matrasses and 300,000 FRS to put iron doors for the hospital that were destroyed as a result of the ongoing socio-political crisis.
- Also, donation of sheets of Zinc to Government School Lebock
- Complete pairs of jerseys to NANFA football club, in Nguti.
- 800.000 FRS Cash donations for the contribution of the Etabang-Banyue stretch of road project which is currently going on.
- 500.000 Frs for the Ntale water catchment project.
- 100.000frs for the water catchment project in Nzeleted
MP Fonge Donations to the Nguti NANFA Football club Donations to the Babubock Community Donations to Lebock Community
The MP also used the occasion to educate his people on the role of parliamentarians as a lobbyist to the government on behalf of their people and not those who are supposed to execute the contract as many think. He added many have mistaken the work of the Mayors in development issues to be the role of parliamentarians.
He then encouraged communities under his jurisdiction to write and develop projects and submit them to him because it the only way he will know about their problems and forward them to the right offices.
He confirmed many of the projects he proposed to the government last year have been put under the Council Development Plan and will be executed at the level of the municipality.
NB: Before the 2020 parliamentary mandate, it was possible for parliamentarians to follow up and execute projects put in their names but with the coming of decentralization, all projects are sent to the mayors for supervision.
Aside from the donations on Saturday, Honourable Fonge has been visiting his people and making donations since he took office in 2020.
Projects Carried Out During His First 12 Months As Mp Of Nguti Subdivision
- Honourable Fonge Julius seeing the Covid-19 pandemic was getting serious, engaged in the purchase of buckets, wash hand basins, faces masks, bars of soap and other anti-covid measures for his people.
- A few months later, the people of the Mbo hinterlands were struck by a natural disaster. A heavy mudslide destroyed more than 50 homes, killed more than 4 persons, rendered over 300 persons homeless, made their roads inaccessible and destroyed many farmlands.
MP Fonge having his people at heart solicited assistance from friends, associations, NGOs and together they were capable of assisting these victims.
MP Fonge on a personal note, bought bags of rice, bars of soap, money, roofing sheets and other materials to help these people. He was able to convince the government to buy mattresses, bags of rice, oil and NGOs who came with blankets and makeshift toilets for the distressed people of Ngwatta.
He was seen on several occasions visiting the people at Ngwatta, Sactchou where his team of the RAINBOW Association visited the people with relief materials.
- He has been working with the government to provide access roads to the people of the Nguti Subdivision. Presently, he is aiding the Banyue people who are constructing their road. He has also negotiated with the government for the establishment of some of the roads in the hinterlands.
- Honourable Fonge has bought materials and sent money to the team working on the rehabilitation works on the Kokobuma-Badun-New Konye-Mungo Ndoh-Ntale road.
Reactions from the receiving communities.
The receiving communities have expressed gratitude to their Member of Parliament who does not sleep but intervene on their behalf to the government. The coordinator of the Banyue road project, Jasper Kang Ngange appreciated the MP’s 800.000 FCFA donations which he said was very timely. Banyue is one of the most enclaved villages in Nguti Subdivision which will soon enjoy the benefits of having a motorable road, thanks to the efforts of the villagers whose donations started this project and other supporters like Honourable Fonge Julius.
Babubock on the other hand has promised to use the solar system and matrasses for the Health Centre with utmost care in remembrance of the magnanimity of their representative in government.
The District Health Officer for the Nguti Hospital, Doctor Ngum Terence thanked the MP for the relief he has brought to the hospital with the donation of iron doors. The isolated hospital is going to be functional again with equipment like matrasses and iron door.
Who is Honourable Fonge Julius?
Fonge Julius Fongouck was born in 1965 in Buea, South West Region of Cameroon. He started his primary education at Roman Catholic Mission School (RCM) Tiko in 1969 where he had his First School Leaving Certificate.
He then moved to Saint Joseph’s College, SASSE where he spent 5 years and graduated in 1982 with an Ordinary Level Certificate. He continued to Cameroon College of Arts and Science where he had his Advanced Level Certificate while ruling as a Labour Prefect.
After doing 3 years at the University of Yaounde in 1987, he left with a first degree in History Minoring in Statistics and Geography. His degree ushered him into Sasse again but this time as a teacher. While in SASSE, Fonge Julius was doing his Matrice and in 1988, he had his Matrice.
After passing the E.N.S (École Normale Supérieure) entrance exam, he became a teacher from 1989 to 1999. From 2002, Fonge Julius served as Senior Discipline Master at GBHS Bonaberi and later at Lycee Bilingue Deido, Principal of G.S. S Kombone. His marvellous work and instrumentality in the rapid growth of these schools prompted the government to appoint him as Principal of GHS Muea in 2010 where he was till 2016. He transformed the school from a population of over 1000 to 3000 and a building of 13 classrooms but left the school with 22 classrooms, a science, Computer, Food and Nutrition laboratories and a fence.
Having left school for a long while, Mr Fonge decided to go back again but this time in Kombone as a Masters student in Educational Administration and Finance and in 2012, he had the degree. He defended his PHD in 2016 while working in G.H.S Muea.
Doctor Fonge also taught 5 courses including Educational Finance, Economies of Education, and Foundations of Education at the Higher Teacher’s Training College in Buea.
He left Muea for Kumba as Principal of CCAS where the current socio-political crisis met him. The difficulties he faced in Kumba lured him to continue with the political ambitions he had been nursing since 2002.
That was how Dr Fonge Julius went in for the Parliamentary elections in 2020 and was elected as Member of Parliament for Kupe Muanengube II. Honourable Fonge Julius being a change agent as seen in his career history has promised to change the political norm in his community and affect the lives of the people he represents for a better one.
He is part of the Rainbow Group made up of CPDM militants who are fighting for better conditions for members and people of the Nguti Subdivision.