NWSW region: Gov’t Forces Kill 11 Civilians In 24 Hours

Within 24 hours, Government forces have shot dead, five civilians in Bamenda and Six in Buea, northwest and southwest regions respectively. Victims in Bamenda were still to recover from the shock of September 22, 2020 when Government forces attacked and killed some five young men and an old woman in Lysoka, Buea. They were shot for not showing the military the hideout of Ambazonia fighters.
“The Lysoka Wombaki village was invaded by a mixed team of forces, they pulled the men from their homes and shot them at closer range, beside a Church” Someone who has knowledge of the incident told CNA
A woman, Eposi Ngomba whose two sons were killed is said to have collapsed and died.
This incident comes barely 24 hours after soldiers pulled five young men from their homes in Ngongham, Bamenda on Tuesday and murdered them in cold blood.
A total of 11 civilians have now been killed within 24 hours in the two restive regions.