Garoua: public health ministry wages war against roadside medication

Public health officials in the North region have taken firm actions to get rid of medications sold illegally along the streets and in markets.
The operation clear off roadside drugs for a healthy population was headed by the Inspector of pharmaceutical products, Dr Sama and the North Regional Delegate of Public Health, Dr Zakari Yaou.

The operation resulted in the confiscation of tons of contraband medication allegedly smuggled into the country from neighbouring Nigeria.
“With this operation we intend to discourage illegal sale of drugs along the road. Some of these drugs are dangerous to the health and most of the vendors are charlatans. Imagine the degree of consequences it could have on an individual. This exercise is also ongoing in the Far North region. It is aimed at improving on the health of the population. That is why here in Garoua we have dispatched three teams in different markets,” Dr Zakari Yaou explains.
The health authorities disclosed that about 95% of the population rely on these roadside medications blaming their choices on the high prices of medications bought in pharmacies.
“We will make sure these consignments of seized drugs are incinerated. Once we succeed to abort this illegal activity, the population will do themselves good by affording the drugs they need from good pharmacies,” said Dr. Sama
The seizure of these illegal medications was facilitated by security elements whose presence discouraged any form of resistance.