Kumba: GCE supervisor dismissed for gross wrongdoing

KUMBA, Cameroon (CNA) — The General Certificate of Examination (GCE) Board has suspended the chief supervisor of GCE examinations at the GLOBICOL Aacommodation Centre in Kumba over allegations of misconduct.
The suspension, announced Friday, June 7th, 2024, came after reports that the supervisor failed to forward fees from registered GCE candidates and produced counterfeit timetables. The GCE Board condemned the actions as a blatant attempt to defraud the examination body, jeopardizing its integrity.
An interim supervisor has been appointed to ensure a smooth and transparent continuation of the examination process. The GLOBICOL Kumba accommodation center is hosting over 300 candidates for this year’s exams.
Despite the incident, the written part of the GCE examinations in Kumba is proceeding without disruption, amid tight security.