Kamto finally explains what he was doing at unity palace

The President of the Cameroon Renaissance Movement (CRM) political party, Professor Maurice Kamto has come to tell the public why he was at the unity palace last December 22nd.
An image of his vehicle stationed at the presidential palace has ben making rounds on social media ever since he was there and newspapers such as “Le Popoli” even said he was “sleeping with the enemy”.

The Secretary General of the party, Ndong Nveh Christopher, has issued a statement calling such claims “biased and grossly inaccurate”.
According to him, Kamto went to the Presidency like any other Cameroon to drop a correspondence “on sensitive information about issues related to national interest and national security”. He went on to debunk the information circulating on social media that Maurice Kamto was snubbed and chased out of the Presidency.
“Maurice Kamto was in no way chased from the presidency, and he went there personally for reasons that had nothing to do with politics or the internal affairs of the country. He was received normally and his letter on a sensitive subject of national interest was deposited, and returned normally to his home,” the statement reads.

Images of his car standing at one of the entrances of the unity palace went viral on social media with many questionning his motives for being there.

He concluded by saying, the images on social media were meant to tarnish the image of their leader and should not be considered as the truth.
Kamto himself is yet to make any speech on the issue.