Justice Minister Delegate, Momo, Roars At Emmanuel Macron

After French President Emmanuel Macron told Cameroonian Activist it is due to pressure mounted on the Biya’s government before Professor Maurice Kamto, President of the Cameroon Renaissance Movement party, was released, Jean De Dieu Momo, Minister Delegate in the Ministry of Justice reacts.
First, Macron said this, ”I put pressure on Paul Biya, so that first, he deals with the subject of the English-speaking regions and its opponents. I said we shouldn’t see each other in Lyon until Kamto is released’.”
These statements did not particularly please Jean de Dieu Momo.
“Maybe he will make a phone call. We are waiting for his phone call to free all the prisoners of the operation sparrow hawk. I think you have to be serious, and stop being black followers because of a white man.
Macron, said he put pressure, people think he was the one who freed Kamto. They do not understand anything.
They do not know that it comes from a deliberate policy of the head of state at the end of the major national dialogue, and even before the end of the dialogue, he surprised us. It is the President of the Republic who heads this country, and he is under no pressure.
He is at an age when pressures do not work with him ”. The Minister Delegate at the Ministry of Justice reacted, Sunday during the Sunday program“ Canal Presse ”, broadcast on Canal 2 international.
The President of the PADDEC political party concluded that “Cameroon is under pressure because Cameroon is this beautiful rich woman who has all the assets to which we harass to obtain her riches”. Jean de Dieu Momo believes that, unlike “republican opponents”, they are “revolutionary opponents that the international predictor uses to infiltrate and weaken the strength of a state like Cameroon, in order to access its riches”.