Is Robert Kona’s PCRN closing deal with CPDM?

Last weekend saw the founder of the Cameroon Party for National Reconciliation, Robert Kona, amid members of the ruling party, Cameroon People Democratic Movement, CPDM, in Garoua, North region.
Robert Kona who is currently in a tug-of-war with the national president, Hon. Cabral Libii, has been carrying out activities, excluding the member of parliament.
Both men have been at daggers drawn after Hon. Cabral Libii dismissed Robert Kona from the party. But this dismissal was rejected by the Minister of Territorial Administration, Paul Atanja Nji, who said Libbi and others acted in illegality because they had no legal backing to dismiss the founder of the party.
Hon. Libii said this reaction from the Minister shows that the Biya regime is working hard to dismiss him from future political aspirations, citing that the other founders of the party, Massardine Albert Fleuri and Wanfeo William, had wanted Mr Kona to be excluded.
Kona’s meeting with business magnet and CPDM militant, Mohammadou Bayero Fadil, was aimed at preparing the party’s national congress on May 25-26, 2024.
But why did he meet a CPDM member to do that? This issue has raised concerns among the Libii faction.