Is Abdulkarim Ali dead or alive?

Since Thursday, August 11, 2022, precisely around 7 PM local time when Muslim scholar and IT expert, Abdulkarim Ali was arrested, his family has not heard from him.
Sources have confirmed that he was arrested and taken to UP station, Bamenda. The soldiers who arrested him were heavily armed.
The family has been denied access to him and they beginning to suspect he might have been eliminated.
This is the third time the Director of the Peace Research Centre is being arrested. He was picked up in January and September 2019 but later released.
In September 2019, AbdulKarimw was arrested on his way back from Europe after attending a meeting in which some separatists participated. He was locked up at the State Defense Secretariat, SED in Yaounde, and charged with accessory to terrorism, secession, and apology to terrorism.
The scholar and Activist who prefers the appellation of Southern Cameroon was on Thursday arrested a few days after he left Kenya where he met with Pan Africanist, PLO Lumumba.
In his own words, ” Prof PLO loves Southern Cameroons. PLO loves and stands for Justice. He is willing, are we? He is ready, are we? PLO just turned 60 (May Allah bless him and increase him in wisdom). He asked me to extend Liberation and freedom greetings to you, PEOPLE OF SOUTHERN CAMEROONS. He insists that in the fullest of time, dictators shall crumble and 8 new Countries shall emerge in Africa. He puts it this way; “The UNITY MODEL I ENVISAGE FOR AFRICA DOES NOT IMPLY, BIG STATES CONSUMING SMALLER STATES”
The Human Rights Watch in a recent report accused the Cameroon military of torturing, killing, arbitrarily arresting, and forced disappearance.
Mr. Ali’s case is that of forced disappearance, wherein his family is not able to say where he is or his present state of mind.