Identification posts to be created in council areas, what difference?

Cameroonians go through sickening processes to have their National Identification Cards established. It even gets worse when they have to wait for the documents to be delivered.
Simon Fonsi an electrician, has been waiting for two years to collect his ID card, he told CNA. The man is yet to be in possession of the document.
There are several others in the same situation.
Let’s now look at the communique released by the Minister of Decentralization, George Elanga Obam. He indicates that the identification process of ID cards will soon be brought closer to the population through local councils.
How will this solve the current situation? It is likely that the cards are produced but withheld for reasons one can’t tell.
In 2021, the Secretary General of the General Delegation for National Security disclosed that over 250,000 ID cards were pending collection nationwide.
Considering the daily experiences people have with police officers for not possessing an ID card, it will be hard to believe that they deliberately abandon their ID cards.
Presently, there are over 280 identification posts and 50 mobile identification units across the country.
Setting up the centers in each council, will mean more ID cards produced, but will the collection be facilitated? And will the processes end at the level of the council? Those are some worries.
What most Cameroonians want is a system in which they won’t have to wait for long, or spend money renewing expired receipts to be able to identify themselves.