Municipal police in Cameroon: President Paul Biya sets records straight

In a ten page document signed this August 9 2022, the Head of State clearly spells out modalities for the creation and functioning of municipal police agents. They duties are to maintain order, safety, tranquillity, security and public sanitation.
Agents of both gender will as from August 2022, work with a uniform different from what they used to have. This will be a dark purple trouser or skirt, longor short sleeved light purple shirt with municipal police clearly written on it. The uniforms must have the full names of the officer and the name of his/her council area. Adding to this, they will not be allowed to use weapons like forces of law and order. They will use whistles, lassos, torches and safety helmets among others.

This presidential decree comes at a time when road users especially bike riders and taxi drivers have have been having disagreements with these municipal police agents. Four months ago, the Douala city mayor recruited 450 agents to maintain order in the 6 sub divisions of the city.
No municipal police agent is to brutalise or coerce the population unless in case of self-defence and work will run from 6AM to 6PM.
All council officials have 18 months to comply to the changes.