Heavy flood on mile 4 bridge, Bamenda city council reacts

Sources in the field say floods have been recurrent on the Mile 4 Nkwen bridge in the Bamenda III sub-division with the most recent being that of Wednesday August 31st 2022 after heavy rainfall which lasted for hours. The immediate consequence of the rain was the ovrflow of the bridge causing the inundation of a good section of the road, hindering circulation. Persons were reportedly stranded on either side of the bridge for a good while and inter-urban bus passengers were also stranded at travel agencies.

To seek solutions to this issue which surfaces every rainy season, the Bamenda city councilors held a meeting where it was instructed that emergency investigations be conducted and the Mile 4 Nkwen bridge be reconstructed within the next three months.
FEICOM, the Council Support Fund for Mutual Assistance, pledged to fund the project once the project files have been composed and submitted.