Entrepreneurship Ecosystem In Cameroon : Youths Petition Government On Chaotic Situation

The Washington Institute for Development, which measures World temperature of Entrepreneurship Eco- system, in its latest publication, rates Cameroon 121 out of 137 Countries. The powerhouse of Central Africa Sub region is 18th in Africa behind nations like Botswana, Ghana, Rwanda, Nigeria among others.
This means that Cameroon’s Entrepreneurship Ecosystem is still lacking behind. Cameroon’s Entrepreneurship environment is very hostile, unproductive and uncertain.
At the time when Africapitalism is being preached by one of Nigeria’s main supporter of young Entrepreneurs, Tony Elumelu, youths in Cameroon are more interested in writing entrance examinations to have jobs wherein only 10 people may be needed but thousands apply for same job.
This is because the Ecosystem is characterized by heavy taxes, administrative bottlenecks, corruption, and unfavorable policies.
Today most youths who dare into Entrepreneurship are either living from hand-to-mouth; that is, they can only pay their bills and provide food on the table or have closed down.
The issue of capital is no longer an obstacle of creating a business, the ugly faces of unproductive policies and situations are the real obstacles.
In the face of this quagmire, Binla Lambert, holder of a Masters degree in International Relations, option International Marketing and Business, Focus on Commercial Diplomacy, IRIC, Master I in Management and Administration of Enterprises, University of Yaounde II, Soa, BSc. Management and Minor in Economics, University of Buea, has gathered some concerned youths from different sectors to walk the talk.
Binla Lambert specializes in areas such as; Management, Marketing and Communication Expert, Business and Social Entrepreneur, Commercial Diplomacy, International Business, International Marketing and Business Administration, Humanitarian Action, Peace & Sustainable Development Advocate. He thinks that with youths such as Cedric Ikpiss, Nfor Hanson Nchanji, Anwi Beryl and Mbom Sixtus, both upcoming outstanding entrepreneurs, the ecosystem could witness a positive change.
It should be noted that Entrepreneurs are the backbone of every economy and vital to their growth. So, for any economy to flourish, policymakers and institutional stakeholders need to make sure policies are developed, implemented and respected. According to the International Labor Organization’s 2013 report, Cameroon’s unemployment rate stands at 30% with a whopping 75% underemployment rate and the figures keep rising.
A good Entrepreneurship ecosystem guaranteed by policymakers and institutional stakeholders could just be the magic bullet that can turn the game of unemployment and underemployment in favor of the state and its citizens as a whole.
We, the undersigned call upon;
• The Parliamentarians
• The Senators
• The Prime Minister
• Minister of Small and Medium Size Enterprise
• Minister of Youth and Civic Education
• Minister Employment and Vocal Training
• Etc.
To provide and support policies that will enable a better Entrepreneurship Ecosystem for Cameroon Entrepreneurs and Startups by ratifying and putting the following into the state laws.
• Provision of at least 3-5 years of tax holiday for entrepreneurs and start-ups
• Provide a clear, transparent framework for approvisioning loans to entrepreneurs with good ideas which have already been implemented, but are lagging due to funds
• Permanent annual subsidies, subventions, and grants to promising entrepreneurs and startups
• Decrease import duties on countless goods liable to spur the business sector, especially those facilitating the creation and running of new businesses
• Create startup hubs in all major cities in the country
• Strengthen measures to report and punish tax agents who manipulate non-defaulters of tax regimes
• Set up legit platforms for entrepreneurs and small start-ups to reclaim their wages for their services
• Make Business Law and Entrepreneurship compulsory subjects for all undergraduate students.
To this effect, a petition to take to policy makers has been drafted and need 5 000 signatures of entrepreneurs, potential entrepreneurs and those who want a rapid change.
Click the link below and sign NOW for a better entrepreneurship environment.