“Ministry of Labour serves no purpose” – Gregoire Owono tells critics Head of State’s plan is being implemented

As Cameroonians join the world to celebrate International Labour Day, May 1, several persons have questioned the role of the Labour Ministry in Cameroon, highlighting working conditions as “deplorable”.
Reacting to the concerns raised, the Minister of Labour and Social Security, Gregoire Owona, says “There is a strategy conceived by the Head of State, which has to be implemented accordingly.”
“People might say that we do not serve any purpose, but I think we serve in a lot of things,” he told Actualite Hebdo host, Romuald Ntchuisseu Ngock.
“We are working on improving the working conditions according to the plan of President Paul Biya” Gregoire Owona said.
“When we talk about the improvement in the conditions of work, don’t only look at the salaries, also look at the working environment, look at how the workers are being treated by their bosses, look at the social advantages that the employers can offer to their workers.”
The Labour boss said emphasis is laid on the collaboration between employers, employees and the government according to this year’s theme which is; Resilience and Decent Work: Acting Together in the World of Work to Improve Living Conditions and Social Inclusion.
“The theme is to tell workers that despite the difficult context, despite the difficulties that we face, the objective is to attain decent working conditions. Let there be more dialogue between the employers and employees as well as the gov’t” Minister Gregoire Owona said.
The International Labour Day is in its 137th edition.