Gov’t forces capture ADF supreme commander

Self-styled Ambazonia General Efang, also known as Big Number, has been captured by government forces. The ADF ground zero Supreme Commander, Efang who was receiving treatment at the Mbingo hospital, in the North West region, was carried away.
Efang sustained bullet wounds two weeks back when his camp was invaded by government forces. He ran away with bullet wounds but could not get adequate treatment in the bush.

Last week, the Ambazonia Governing Council debunked claims that their Supreme Commander was killed but pro-government agents affirmed that Efang was touched. ADF: Blood of two civilians haunting Efang? – Cameroon News Agency
This is the second time the ADF has seen their leaders killed. On December 21, 2018, popular General Ivo was also killed Armed Struggle In NW, SW: ADF’s General Ivo Murdered, In-house Fighting Intensifies – Cameroon News Agency amid infighting among the separatists.