Human Interest
Government forces kill, injure civilians in mile 12 Ikiliwindi

At least four civilians are said to have been killed allegedly by government forces on Tuesday, July 26, 2022.
Government forces invaded the Mile 12 area in the locality situated some 10 kilometers away from the central city of Kumbe in the SOuth West region.
The y shot at close range, killing at least four and injuring several others.
The forces came to search for Ambazonia forces who attacked a military convoy on July 24, 2022.
The Southern Cameroons Defense Forces, SOCADEF said they carried out the attack on July 24.
During the exchanges, an explosive went off, accompanied by thunderous gunshots. Ikiliwindi is a stronghold of SOCADEF.
Early Tuesday, Separatists said they killed a BIR commander near Kumba during a shootout.