GCE candidates commence with written part

Thousands of students across Cameroon have begun writing the General Certificate of Education (GCE) examination.
The national exam organized for students in the English subsystem of education, commenced Tuesday, May 30.
Before stepping into the examination hall at 7:30 am to begin, many of the candidates said they are ready.
CNA spoke to Louisa, an upper-sixth student who registered for five subjects (Geography, Economics, History, English Language, and Philosophy). “I’m not feeling too tense,” she said.
“I woke up at around 1:00 am, studied and I slept back, then woke up again at 5:00 am to revise a bit before finally going to the examination hall.”
Asked if as a Christian, she blessed her pens in church as many students do, Louisa said “No”. She said, “I bought them after I had already gone to church”.
The examination session started with Economics Paper 1, a day after the Baccalaureat exam for the French subsystem kicked off with Literature and Philosophy.