Foumban: 12 year old dies mysteriously days after receiving FCFA 200 from stranger

Her death has sent shocking waves across the Noun Division in the West region.
Ayiagnigni Abiba, 12, was returning from school when a young woman whom she described as very beautiful, tall and fair in complexion, gave her FCFA 200.
According to musical Artist, Lady Ponce, who knows a family member of the victim, the girl used the money to buy fast food within two days. But after consuming thr meal, she started manifesting strange things.
“She was seeing the woman whi gave her money everywhere, crying and asking the woman not to take her life because she is the only girl in her family,” Lady Ponce narrated.
But after 10 days of intensive sick in which she allegedly fought with evil forces, she gave up the ghost.
The source says that while at the hospital, Doctors ran several tests including Malaria and Meningitis, but all results were negative.
On Thursday before dying she had asked to meet her grandmother to bid farewell as she said , the eveil force were going to win the battle .
The parents even asked the lady to collect her money back and allow the child to leave but she refused ( she was talking only with the child who could see and discuss with her)
This story is still not clear as many have cast doubt on the truism, but others believe that such things exist. Children have been cautioned to be careful and not collect gifts from strangers.