Fon of Bamessing to banish separatists and their allies

Fon Richard Muntong of Bamessing village in Ndop subdivision in Ngoketunjia division, North West region, said it was the time for him to fish out all those who are supporting separatist atrocities.
In a recent press release issued by the Fon, he said the people of Bamessing in and out have been supporting separatist atrocities through funeral contributions.
Fon Richard Muntong warned that anyone who dares to do so again will be banished from the village.
“I am extending an olive branch for the last time, appealing to those involved in these atrocities both locally and abroad and to those financing these activities to cease immediately. Failure to comply will result in traditional consequences” said the Fon.
Fon Muntong added that both spiritual and physical surveillance have been stationed in the village to monitor all those who will not comply to his decision.
The Fon also urged all separatist fighters from his village to drop their arms and join the DDR centres for reintegration.