Fighting Depression, Know What To Do

It’s always early to quit, for giving up has never and will never be the solution. Be courageous for courage is grace under pressure.
Beware of depression the silent killer in our world today where five out of ten health conditions are aggravated by it. This is to say that, a number of youths and adults are dying directly and indirectly from depression.
Depression is generally the feeling of severe despondency and dejection. It entails a situation of chronic unhappiness sorrow, low spirit, discouragement, despair, moodiness, desolation, and hopelessness just to name a few. That lead to clinical depression caused by;
1) serious medical illnesses that make us hopeless and lose our sense of belonging. Remember no condition is permanent and sickness is not death.
2) The death or loss of a loved one. Naturally, we are sad when we lost our loved ones but this should not persist for a period of time. It should not be chronic. Remember you still have your own life to live.
3) Physical, sexual or emotional, and drug abuse. This changes our way of seeing things due to pain and imagination due to circumstance. Remember to talk to someone.
4) Age; elderly people are at high risk of depression caused by loneliness and lack of social support. Remember the old is like the old sheep that turn to the child for breast milk. You are the Piller to your aging parents, support them, comfort them, give them company, and don’t let them feel desolated.
5) Conflict; Depression caused by someone’s vulnerability, dispute family or friends, lack of shelter, food, and or stressed displacement due to conflict/war. Be a conflict resolver and or a philanthropist to serve the suffering population.
6) Genetics of depression. This is due to family linage. Endeavor to visit a psychiatrist.
8) Major events like losing a job or source of income, divorce and or break up, retirement, failing exams etc. Remember it’s not the end of the road. It is your stepping stone, it gives you grounds for a better tomorrow. It Improves your strategies.
8) Other personal problems such as social isolation or being cast out of a family, village, or social group can lead to clinical depression. Remember to talk to someone.
In conclusion, learn to encourage and support one another, especially in their downtime. More so, be the reason others are happy, have empathy, and on the contrary stop inflicting pain on others with your mockery, persecution, and other inhuman behaviors and attitudes.
Save a life by creating awareness, be a server and you will be saved. Together we are strong 💪.