Bamboutos: fuel scarcity cripples activities again

By Stephen TADAHA
The Bamboutos division has for almost a week now, been experiencing fuel scarcity. Fueling stations are empty as most bike and taxi owners have been forced to park, thus paralyzing economic activities.
“I’m obliged to park and stay at home because of this fuel scarcity. How will I feed my family if I don’t drive? It’s what I do for a living and I’ve been doing this for many years now,” declares a taxi driver.
“This fuel crisis is really penalizing us. This is not normal!” another driver exclaims.
The precious liquid according to others, has become a black market business.
“Sometimes fuel comes and if you do not have relations, you won’t be aware. There are some who are always aware of the availability of fuel,” another driver explains.
Prices of petroleum products in Cameroon were recently increased by authorities after a widespread scarcity had been experienced for over 6 months. Since then, the products have become one of the most wanted in the country. Many fuel dealers have even gone as far as adding a small amount on the officail prices yet unavailability is still the talk of the day.
“Some sell a liter of super at FCFA 1,000 at least while some sell at FCFA 1,500 but that is not the problem. The problem is where can we find fuel?” some of the drivers wonder.
With this situation, vendors of illicit fuel, commonly called zoa zoa, say business has been booming. The price of the unrefined fuel has spontaneously increased with a litre sold at F Cfa 900- 1,000 instead of F CFA 500 as was the case before.
“To cope now, I must use zoa zoa even though it destroys my car,” a driver tells us.
With this increase, drivers have been obliged to increase transportation fares to make ends meet.
“We now pay FCFA 500 from Mbouda to Toumaka, a distance that used to cost FCFA 250. Where is Cameroon going to?” a passenger cries out.
The problem persists in spite of all measures taken by stakeholders and for now, automobile owners are waiting for their supply.
Read also: North West: fuel scarcity hits Bamenda again