Prof Ivo Leke Tambo Goes Home

Lebialem,Cameroon-Monday March 19,2018-6:00 PM Local Time (Cameroon News Agency) Cameroon News Agency is reliably informed that the GCE Board Chair, Professor Ivo Leke Tambo, who was abducted last Saturday March 17, has been freed.
Our source who did not want to be named told CNA Publisher that Professor Ivo was freed more than an hour before this report , the source said ” I can confirm he was freed some 1 hour, 30 minutes ago”.
Our source did not confirm whether allegations that a ransom was paid were true, insisting that he knows nothing of any transactions between Ambazonia fighters and the government or the family.
Another source has told CNA that relatives have confirmed the release and said he has gone to an undisclosed hospital for medical checkup.
Professor Ivo Leke Tambo was in a delegation heading to Lebialem to plan for the Senatorial elections as well as take part in the ‘home coming’ of Paul Tasong, newly appointed Minister Delegate at the Ministry of Economy.
The delegation was stopped around Alou as they were heading towards Menji for the events, Professor Ivo was taken hostage while some 30 students hired for the event were equally delayed but later released and instructed to make a U-turn.
Pro-Ambazonia websites have reported that contrary to reports that a huge ransom was paid to free Professor Leke, the abductors have not collected any ransom but sent a warning message to the government.
The former Secretary General at the Ministry of Secondary Education is expected to spend his first night home after spending exactly 48 hours in the hands of Ambazonia fighters who stripped him almost naked before exposing his body to the world in a video.
No official statement has been made.