Father accused of sexually assaulting daughter found

The person accused of abusing of his daughter sexually is Nwind Bertrand. His now 15 year – old daughter says he has been raping her ever since she was 13. She narrates a story of him permanently threatening to use a knife to gut her if she ever talked about it to anyone. Bertrand and the alleged victim’s mother have been separated for two years and she had been living with her father from the time of their separation. She equally says he is responsible for her pregnancy.
When the story was first narrated by the young lady a few days ago, Bertrand is said to have ran away and had been in hiding until he was found this June 13th 2022 in Eseka, Nyong-et-Kellé division, Centre region of Cameroon. He was attempting to move to another location when he was caught and taken to authorities.
Nwind Bertrand is expected to stay under custody and answer to the accusations levied against him in a court of law.