Updates on man arrested for destroying identification equipment

24 hours after the man’s arrest, his pregnant wife – who is expected to put to birth any time soon – narrates a film of what really happened.
The lady reveals that the arrested man is her husband and is called Foundikou Daouda. According to her, he deposited his request for the establishment of his ID card some years ago in his native Foumbot in the Noun division but currently lives in Douala.
She narrates that each time he went to a police station for the expiry date on his receipt to be extended, he was permanently asked to go back to Foumbot (where his initial request was made) for this to be done.
Daouda as the lady narrates, chose to travel to the village during the night of Sunday October 9 to verify for an umpteenth time, if his ID card was fianlly available. Once at the police station, he was told the ID card was still not out. He reportedly requested that the expiry date on his receipt be extended, but authorities there allegedly categorically turned down his request on the basis that the receipt is too old and writings are invisible on it. They allegedly demanded that he applies for a new identification document in order to get a new receipt – a suggestion Daouda could not comprehend.
After reminding the officer on duty that day, that their office gave him the receipt and allegedly having nothing to give them as bribe, Daouda’s wife says the officer scolded Daouda and a fight in which Daouda got severely beaten soon followed.
“Truly speaking, he was insisting that they extend the expiry date on the receipt because he has suffered a lot, he is a hustler and travels from place to place for trade. This ID problem makes him miss out many opportunities. Here I am, pregnant and will need to establish the birth certificate of my baby, this will need his ID card,” Daouda’s wife explains.
She further says her activities were halted because of her pregnancy and she depends on Daouda for everything.

Daouda’s wife is 9 months pregnant and is now asking that people of good will come to their rescue so that her husband can be released.