Fake traditional doctor lures two desperate examination students to bed

In search of success in their end-of-year exams, the two students whose names have remained anonymous fell into the love charms of a false traditional herbalist, commonly called “native doctor.”
He promised them that after making love they will be able to make it in their exams.
Inhabitants of Botmakak are still speechless after one of the victims said the fake native doctor assured her friend that after making love, the bad spirit in her family will be destroyed.
He added that even if she has not written her examinations well, he will, make them succeed.
The victim’s brother said they were raped because when he reached the traditional doctor’s residence to accompany his sisters home, he discovered that they were wearing only loincloths, naked in bed.
According to Equinotxe television, the suspect who attempted to silence the family by proposing money has been apprehended by elements of the National gendarmerie in Nyong and Kelle division, centre region.