Environmental Activist Accused Of Secessionist Connections Released After 3 Months In Jail.

By Njingang Godwin
Kumba, Cameroon – Wednesday December 20, 2017-12:00 PM Local Time (Cameroon New Agency) The president and Chief Executive Officer of the Mundemba based environmental nongovernmental organization known as Struggle to Economize Future Environment, SEFE has been released from detention.
Nasako Besingi was arrested at his Mundemba head office shortly before the famous October 1st uprising in the two English peaking regions and taken to Buea where he was detained until his released November 27th 2017.
Before being released on Monday December 18, 2017, Nasako had spent close to three months in detention. In a telephone conversation he was told that he was released because no evidence was found linking him with all the allegations.
He did not expatiated following his arrest but most southern Cameroonians suggested that his arrest could have been linked to the current socio-political upheavals in rocking the North West and South West regions.
This is not the first time that Nasako is being arrested and detained by the regime of the 84 year old President.
Over three years ago, he was detained at Mundemba Police station for allegedly inciting workers and staff of Herakles Farms to stage a strike action against the management. He has previously suffered other detention for allegedly activating with the now outlawed SCNC and other Anglophones pressure groups.
Nasako was to attend the AU-EU summit in Abidjan where he was to present a paper on the land grabbing situation in Cameroon with Mundemba Ndian division as case study following persistent land grabbing claims from giants companies abroad at the detriment of the peasant population who may be put out of farming because their lands have all been exploited.
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