Ensure your safety is priority during this festive period

As weeks are counting down to days for end-of-year festivities, everyone is making final arrangements to face the festive period. While honest citizens strive for ways to make more income to celebrate with their families, criminals brave up to enter the streets for their feast on people.
The festive season is always full of criminal activities such as theft, kidnap, or even murder.
The following are some safety measures proposed by CNA, so everyone can take to avoid being a victim.
- The first thing is to avoid lonely areas, especially at night. These areas are said to be favorite spots for thieves and criminals to be around waiting for their victims. In these areas, you may likely not have anyone to rescue you during an attack.
- If possible, avoid late-night walks especially alone. If you need a late-night walk, go along with a friend or friends to accompany you, these can guarantee your safety.
- Always close your windows and doors properly, especially at night. This is in order not to attract these thieves who may be loitering around.
- It is also important to avoid crowded areas such as gatherings, markets, and parks. These are also their favorite spots. If going to the market is necessary, hold your items jealously, and be very conscious and alert.
- Be modest and do not dress flashy especially when you know you’ll be having a late-night walk home.
- Being friendly with these touts in neighborhoods is also important, they can save you tomorrow.
- In the face of all these safety measures suggested, to have a peaceful celebration, every honest citizen needs to find a way to keep safe from pangs and crooks.