Meet the new CBC Executive President: Rev. Dr. Teke John

The Rev. Dr. Teke John Ekema was born in Bokwango, Buea in 1980. He studied at Government High School (GHS) Bokwango and later attended the Cameroon Baptist Theological Seminary (CBTS) in Ndu where he studied for a Bachelor’s in Theology.
He later traveled for advanced studies at Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology in Kenya and graduated with a Master of Divinity (MDiv). Dr. Teke later studied for a Doctor of Ministry (DMin) at the same institution where he got his Masters in Kenya.
He returned to Cameroon and has been serving as Senior Pastor of Mizpah Baptist Church in New Ton, Limbe, for 20 years.
Rev. Dr. Teke’s rise to the CBC top job marks the first time in 40 years since a South Westerner last held that post. The last South Westerner to hold the post of Executive President was the late Rev. Khama Samson in 1984 when the position was still named ‘General Secretary’. Interestingly, Dr. Teke was just 4 years old at the time and today he is one of the youngest Executive Presidents the CBC has ever had.
Outgoing Executive President, Rev. Dr. Nditemeh fought very hard for the reforms within the CBC to also favor Baptist Christians of South West origin and we are beginning to see the fruits in the person of Rev. Dr. Teke.