Ekondo Titi council Scores 100% in project execution

BY Bernadette Franka Nambu
The Ekondo Titi council has recorded 100% in the execution of it’s 2022 projects despite some challenges brought about by the ongoing socio-political crisis.
This was made known during the administrative, management and store account meeting of the Ekondo Titi council recently.
According to the Mayor of Ekondo Titi Council, Utam Margaret Ndiba, 2022 was a very successful year for the council because it accomplished all the projects that were earmarked in the municipality.
Going by the Mayor, “The effective rate of revenue collection for 2022 was 85%, while expenditure within the same period stood at 79%. The result of our hard work gave an excess revenue over expenditure to the tune of fifty two million, two hundred and seventy thousand, six hundred and ten FCFA ( 52,270,610) that was brought forward to the 2023 financial year”.
The Mayor also encouraged all council workers to do everything possible to get better results this year. “I am calling on everyone of us to put our efforts together so that together we can easily push the development of our municipality to the highest level possible. The Mayor cannot do it alone. There are too many things we can achieve as a team. The Mayor alone cannot do it all.”
Despite all the achievements of the Ekondo Titi Council, Mayor Utam Margaret Ndiba said the year 2022 was also a difficult one because of the tragedy that befell the municipality with the gruesome assassinations of the Mayor, Divisional Officer and their collaborators. Their demise, she said, was a blow to the inhabitants of the municipality.
It should be recalled that, the Ekondo Titi Council realised the following projects in 2022: the construction of a block of two suspended classrooms at GS Inesium; construction of modern slaughter house at Ekondo Titi; rehabilitation and extension of water schemes at Bisoro Balue, Ngolo Metoko and Bongongo II; construction of boreholes at Funge Balondo and Bongongo I; the rehabilitation of Ekondo Titi District Hospital; rehabilitation of Ekondo Titi Beach road; rehabilitation of four classrooms at Government Bilingual Nursery School Ekondo Titi and the renovation of the community hall at Kumbe Balondo among other things.