Technical education teachers overworked, MINSEC creates new technical schools

Seven new government technical colleges have been created ahead of the new academic year in Cameroon which begins on Monday September 5th. The schools opened by the minister of secondary education, Pauline Nalova Lyonga, in some parts of the country, have left many teachers in the sector perplexed. The teachers, members of the OTS strike movement, had complained about being under-staffed. A recruitment process of more teachers would therefore have been more welcomed by them as compared to the creation of new schools.

In the West region, 2 government technical colleges have been created, GTC Touogong in Batcham subdivision, Bamboutos division and GTC MANDINGA-Plateau in Malatouen subdivision, Noun division.
GTC Ngona has been opened in the Centre region, 3 in the Far North region, GTC Fotokol, GTC Waza and GTC Sekoule and 1 in the South – GTC Ma’an.