Education : Official exams kickoff nationwide with sports and physical education practicals

By Stephen TADAHA
Official exams for the 2023-2024 academic year in the Francophone section have been opened through the launching of the sports and physical education exam practicals.
The launch was done in a ceremony presided over by the Minister of secondary education, Pauline Nalova Lyonga on Monday April 22, 2024 at GTHS Bafang, Upper Plateaux division of the West Region.
Accompanied by her colleague of Sports and physical education, Narcisse Mouelle Kombi, the Minister insisted on the need for school officials to rightfully use the budget allocated for the construction of Sports infrastructure in various secondary schools across the country.
The remark was made after noticing that many secondary schools across the West Region and in most localities in Cameroon lack accommodated sports facilities for the practice of sports lessons and exams because the budget allocated for their construction are always either misused, or embezzled.
The session, organized by the Baccalauréat board, was highly appreciated by the member of government who encouraged the candidates to remain concentrated till the end of the exam period.
The sports Minister on his part in also appreciating the session, recalled the importance of Sports in the academic path of learners.
In Cameroon, sports infrastructure in many schools are sometimes being neglected.
Meantime the international charter on Physical Education and Sports (1978), states in its preamble that the effective exercise of human rights depends mostly on the possibility offered to each person to develop and freely preserve their physical, intellect and intellectual means, and consequently, the access of every human being to Physical Education and to Sports, should be assured and guaranteed;
Also, Law N074/22 of 5th December 1974 on Sports and Socio-Educational Equipment reminds in its article 1 that every school or University construction project should include sites for the establishment of Sports and Socio-Educational equipment.