Two Reverend Fathers Attacked In Akum

Unidentified gunmen have attacked and beaten up two
Fathers of the Roman Catholic Church in Akum in the outskirts of Bamenda, Mezam division in the North West region. Rev Fr. Oliver Gam and Anthony Viban were molested Tuesday evening on April 16, 2019. Their rooms were ransacked and some items stolen from the presbytery, CNA has learned.
No person has claimed responsibility for the attack. CNA has been investigating stories concerning priests in Kumbo and some parts of the North West region who could be targeted for attacks in the days ahead. Our investigations are still underway but reliable sources have said Soldiers have raised concerns on the involvement of clergymen in the ongoing armed conflict in Southern Cameroons.
The recent statistics revealed by the Kumbo Diocese on burning of houses by Soldiers have not been well diluted by the defense ministry. The statistics have exposed the atrocities and rights violations perpetrated by soldiers in the area. The figures estimated close to 750 houses burned by Soldiers and several persons killed.