Did Ngoh Ngoh save Ngo’o

By Wilson Musa
The Presidency is said to have intervened in the case of the Director of the Port Authority of Douala, Cyrus Ngo’o, to abort an arrest of the man who is fighting legal battles on all fronts since his appointment at the PAD.
After spending some time in Holland and Canada where he represented the PAD in official meetings and workshops, Cyrus Ngo’o arrived in Cameroon on Thursday, May 19, 2022, at about 8 PM. When the aircraft transporting him landed in Douala, elements of the judicial police were already waiting for him at the airport.
Did the PAD Director disappear in the toilet?
Several social media stories were spread that Cyrus Ngo’o upon arrival asked the Police to allow him relief himself in the toilet but suddenly disappeared. The question is how can someone disappear inside a toilet that is built inside the airport. In any case, if he wants to escape, he must still use one of the outlets to run away.
Intervention from the Presidency
The French news site, Jeune Afrique, reported on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, that an order came from the presidency, asking that Cyrus Ngo’o be allowed to go home. Though not specifically stated, it is believed that the Secretary-General of the Presidency, Ferdinand Ngoh Ngoh, is the one who gave the last-minute order.
Douala Court case and fines
In August 2021, a Douala court sentenced Cyrus Ngo’o to six months of suspended imprisonment and asked him to pay the company, Cana Bois, to the tune of FCFA 161,726,900. Sources say that in December, the respondent decided to pay the money using the PAD treasury but the Littoral treasurer-general said the money must come from his private pocket and not the company account.
Cyrus Ngo’o is at home, waxing strong
A day after rumors spread that the Director of the Ports Authority of Douala, had fled to an unknown destination, an anonymous message shared by someone supporting him said the man in question was waxing strong and looking forward to continuing business in the company.
“By the way Cyrus Ngo’o is at Bonapriso right now, I just left him there, he is extremely tired from the long journey he made to the advantage of our main gateway to the Gulf of Guinea…the Port Authority of Douala. He is resting…gathering momentum for a new week ahead. This is his only motivation, to return the PAD to its true place.” the anonymous message read.
He was seen in the office on May 23, 2022. It is not clear if he will be further arrested or if the treasury will finally accept the money demanded by the court.