Dialogue is possible – Christopher Tambe Tiku

By Pavel Joseph
The Head of the Human Rights Commission in the South West region of Cameroon, Christopher Tambe Tiku, has said dialogue is possible between the parties involved in the armed conflict rocking the North West and South West regions of the country.
He made the statement after reportedly negotiating the release of two judicial police officiers said to have been abducted by separatist fighters in Ekona in the South West region.
“The people who are actually taking part in this conflict, can sit with us and talk and probably have the opportunity of expressing themselves not only regionally, but globally” Christopher Tambe said.
He noted that “we are not yet there because we have not embarked on any conflict management plan”.
“We don’t have to leave out some people” he added. “That is exactly what happened with the Grand National Dialogue. Some people were left out and they are the people that are undermining all the achievements that were attained” the rights defender continued.
He said “a very sad situation” is the description of what he saw when he arrived at the hideout of the fighters who had called him regarding the two abducted officers.
Christopher Tambe Tiku said he had to apply tact to negotiate the release of the officers who had been tortured and their guns seized.
Gideon Tikum and Honoraine as the names of the policemen were gotten, were kidnapped in Lisoka, Buea on March 1, while on duty.