DGSN: Spate of Resignation By Frustrated English Speaking Police Officers Serving At DGSN

The fate of Anglophones serving at the Delegation General for National Security is on the balance. Top Anglophone officers have been resigning from the corps.
From marginalisation to intimidation, Anglophone Policemen and women say they ate not safe serving in different departments of the Police. An insider suffering from this maltreatment has confided in CNA.
” When English speakers complain, they always tend to think that they have no reason to complain. Is it because they are considered second class citizens in all aspects of this country? Take for example the Cameroonian police, the DGSN Mbarga Nguele is a Francophone of Beti origin, a function never occupied by an Anglophone just like the Ministries of Defense and Finance while the SG is a Bassa from the central region.
To make matters worst and to make Anglophones understand that they do not belong to this country, none of the five inspectors general, none of the eight directors, none of the many inspectors of the national security services and none of the heads of divisions is English-speaking . They are all owned by French speakers, the majority of whom come from the central / southern regions.”
CNA learned that CD Mvogo (central region) and CD Bilounga southern region) are the current general inspectors, the director of human resources is CD Essongo Mathieu from Minta in the central region. the director of training is CD Mekoulou Atangana from Odza in the central region, the director of health is Dr CD Bilounga from the southern region, the director of general intelligence is CD Onana from the central region, the director of finance is Gousmou Emile from the far north region, the director of the border police is CD Zakari from the north region, the director of the judicial police is CD Glede from the far north / center region, the management of the public security CD Kamguia of the Western region.
“For the Heads of the Divisions: The head of the legal division is CD Esame Patrick from the southern region, the head of the communication division is CD Joice Cecile Mandeng from the central region, the head of the official travel division is CD Essomba Erick Nicolas from the Center.” Our insider said.
Anglophones have only relegated positions and most will soon go on retirement.
“The only two positions occupied by English speakers who are considered to have only the rank of a director of the central administration with very limited powers and advantages are the commander of the ENSP (the police academy of Yaoundé of which CD Tang Enow Lawrence from the southwest is the head and the regional delegation of national security for the northwest region where CD Njume Wilson, still from the southwest region, is the regional delegate, even the CIAP ( Mutengene police college) has CD Nith Pierre from the Littoral region has as commander. ” The insider lamented.
Where is the fate of the English speakers in this country and especially within the Cameroonian police force. Why will the north west not be the tastiest region as regards the Anglophone crisis. How do they expect the police from the north west region to collaborate with the authorities? in place to fight the he violence already exists in the English-speaking regions in general and the north-west in particular.
We also gathered that at the DGSN, which is the mother house of the Cameroonian police (Le Ministere de la Pocam), there is no English speaker who participates in decision-making or in the design of anything. They are all relegated to assistant positions.
“How are the English-speaking police officers going to sit down and think they are Cameroonians when all they can be a part of is carry out the orders of their French-speaking counterparts, some of whom are their classmates whom they even did better than them when they were in training schools. Is this the unique and indivisible Cameroon that is so preached by Francophones where they expect Anglophones to sit, watch and accompany them by nourishing themselves luxuriously as they perish with the crumbs. In circumstances like this, I bet this crisis will never end until English speakers gain their self-determination. With the current situation affecting not only the police but almost the entire Cameroonian administration, I can strongly confirm that the crisis is fueled from above. A revolution begins when a people, a handful of people in fact, say enough is enough, and decide that they are ready to die or kill for the idea of ​​freedom and equality. This is what history teaches us, and this is exactly what is happening in Amba. Freedom means independence. Nothing less. It is an idea, an idea which is embodied in a people and a land.” The source serving at the Police force told CNA.
The greener pastures for Anglophone Police Officers are somewhere and not at the DGNS.
“So many reasons why English-speaking police officers who are at the peak of their careers always abandon the body in frustration to seek comfort elsewhere. These include, for example, the Divisional Commissioners Kwende Alfred, Tabi Orock and Fondungallah who all left for the UN. A few weeks ago, Divisional Commissioner Fotabe resigned to serve in a private company in the Eastern Region after serving for nearly 8 years as an assistant at GMI Central Command in Soa while his comrades and subordinates occupy strategic and advantageous positions because they come from a particular ethnic group. This will happen more to the younger generation of senior English speaking police officers, which will only fuel the flames of the war of separation.”
Then comes the negligence of English speakers in the appointments of external services of the DGSN such as regional delegates and commanders of GMIs, regional judicial police services, central police stations and others. A revolution begins when a people, a handful of people in fact, say enough is enough, and decide he’s ready to die or kill for the idea of ​​freedom. That’s what history teaches us, and that’s exactly what is happening at NOSO. Freedom means independence. Nothing less. It is an idea, an idea which is embodied in a people and a land.