International News

Deported Cameroonians flying back to the US-Newsmax

According to the pro-Republican news outlet, Newsmax, some Cameroonians who were deported between 2019 and 2021 are being flown back to the US under the Biden administration’s order, Newsmax quoted The Beacon which knows the matter.

“These individuals were deported by the order of a court after they were afforded all due process rights,” former ICE chief of staff Tom Blank told the Beacon. “For DHS to arbitrarily reverse court orders to satisfy complaints from an activist group makes a joke out of the entire legal immigration process. It looks like outside activist groups now run the DHS immigration process instead of the courts.” Newsmax wrote, citing The Beacon.

Newsmax also said the Beacon had on good grounds that four Cameroonians were flown back in March and 28 others will follow, but the exact number of people who have been flown back is not known.

Further reports say the US has been working in the background with some Activists and NGOs to facilitate this exercise without making noise about it.

It is not yet certain who is illegible to return to the US and everything is being done without public notice, the US media noted.

In 2020 despite Amnesty’s efforts, Amnesty USA Tells Gov’t Not To Repatriate People To Cameroon – Cameroon News Agency, nearly 100 Cameroonians were deported from the US to Cameroon. Some were subjected to torture and arrest while others were nowhere to be found.

Other Immigrants who remained in the US were later granted Temporary protected status US estimates 11, 700 Cameroonians fit for temporary protected status – Cameroon News Agency

These Cameroonians fled from war and economic hardship rocking Cameroon’s North West and South West regions since 2016.

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