Deliberations to rehabilitate Bamenda city roads begin

Deliberations are on as to how the deplorable roads in the city of Bamenda will be rehabilitated. The road networks in the North West regional chief town began degrading long before the socio-political crisis erupted in the region.
Inhabitants of the city say they have no roads at all but according to the city’s authorities, the roads could not be quickly rehabilitated because of insecurity.
Meeting this September 1st 2022 for their midterm evaluation, the Bamenda City Council revealed that the sum of F CFA 400 million were required to tar broken roads within Bamenda. Of this amount of money, F CFA 90 million will be provided by the ministry of transport while the rest will be provided by the Bamenda city council.
These Councillors drawn from the Bamenda I, II and III municipalities unanimously voted the deliberation which will serve as cure to a road crisis long endured by the population of Bamenda.

Some of the roads which have been wearing out overtime include the Sonac street road stretch, Metta quarters and Amour mezam among others. Circulation on these stretches has been almost impossible.
Commuters often spend long periods of time on these roads when going to their offices or job sites. While late going is inevitable, driver and bike riders complain of frequent breakdowns and frequent garage visitation for repair works.
According to Paul Achombong, Bamenda City Mayor, the only unfortunate thing is that for now, no contractor has been deemed worthy of such a contract as main companies are busy working on the Bamenda-Babadjou stretch of road.
In the meantime, plans are being made to make works begin soonest since artificial lakes present in the middle of the roads hamper flexible circulation.
Temporal measures have however been taken by the Bamenda II Council and other individuals for the time being to make the roads passable again.