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Decentralization: President Biya Lays Down Procedure for Distribution of Decentralisation Fund 2021

The president of the Republic of Cameroon, Paul Biya on Tuesday, December 28, 2021, signed a series of decrees amongst which was the decree to lay down the distribution of the Common Decentralisation Fund for the 2021 financial year.
The said fund stands at FCFA 232 billion, 176 million 624 thousand distributed as follows :
FCFA 125 billion, 772 million, 505 thousand representing the general operating allocation
FCFA 106 billion, 404 million, 119 thousand representing the general investment allocation.
Amongst other decrees signed by the President on December 28 are :
- The Decree to organise the Cabinet of the President of the Economic and Social Council.
- The Decree to lay down conditions governing the exercise of some environmental protection powers devolved upon regions by the State.
- The Decree to lay down conditions governing the exercise of some powers devolved by the State upon regions in the area of tourism and leisure.
- The Decree to lay down conditions governing the exercise of some powers devolved by the State upon regions for participation in the organisation and management of interurban public transport.
- The Decree to lay down the terms and conditions governing the exercise of some town planning and housing powers devolved upon regions by the State.
- The Decree to lay down the standard organisation of Regional Administration.