DDR: more fighters willing to surrender, Fai Yengo Francis reveals

The National Coordinator of the Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration Committee (DDRC), Fai Yengo Francis, has said they have been contacted by more fighters willing to lay down their weapons, following the recent move made by self-styled “General” Grandpa and some of his men.
The group of alleged ex-fighters from Awing, were recently presented at the DDR center in Bamenda.
Fai Yengo Francis said the move triggered more men in the bush to consider “taking the hand of fellowship of the Head of State”.
“It triggered other surrenders that are going to come into the limelight in the next few days. We will be taking all the measures to have them in our centers in Bamenda,” the DDR Coordinator said.
He reiterated that, “we continue everyday, to call on those misguided youths that are still in the bushes to forget about the past”.
“They should forget about all the stories that were told, particularly the lies, and seize the opportunity given by the Head of State to come out rapidly from the bushes and come back to normal life”.
For six years now, there has been unrest in Cameroon’s two English-speaking regions, during the course of which over 6,000 lives have been lost. The government believes the establishment of the DDR committee is one of the key measures that will help end the armed conflict.
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