Day of living together in peace, some IDPs say they are happy in host communities

By Stephen TADAHA
May 16 is the international day of living together in peace.
In Cameroon, the celebrtaion of this day comes in a context where the country is getting ready to observe its national unity day celebrated every May 20th although a socio-political crisis has been rocking the two English – speaking regions of the country for 7 years now.
In Babadjou subdivision, a locality in the West region, bordered by the North West and South West regions of Cameroon, many internally displaced persons (IDPs) who were forced to settle there because of the crisis sy they have had no problems adapting to their host communities and are living in harmony.
“I feel comfortable here because Babadjou people are very welcoming. Since I came here, they gave me a farm for me to cultivate and my landlord also gave me this space for my business. That’s how I do to feed my family,” Judith, an IDP in Babadjou tells us while pointing to her business spot. “When I reached here, it’s true I faced some difficulties adapting myself here but with time many people understood we were from the North West and had to take us as we are,” she adds.
” When I reached here I had difficulties in having a house but I came to understand that the people could not give me because they did not know me. It’s with time that I became used to my host community and now I can assure you that I live here like a Babadjou man,” another IDP Paul, confirms.
Indigenes on their part say there is no problem with them receiving their brothers from the neighboring regions.
“I personally have no problem with my English-speaking brothers from the other side. I know what they face and it can be me tomorrow. That is why I receive them whenever they knock at my door. More to that, I’m used to travelling to the English-speaking zones and the way they receive me is wonderful, why not return them the same treatment? ” an indigene wonders.
The UN General-Assembly, in its resolution 72/130, declared May 16 the international day of living together in peace, as a means of regularly mobilizing the efforts of the international community to promote peace, tolerance, inclusion, understanding and solidarity.