Day Of African Child, A Reflection On Cases Of Child Abuse In West Region

Cameroon joins the rest of the international community to commemorate the 31st edition of the day of the African Child under the theme “Protect every child from violence, exploitation, neglect, and abuse: a priority for the Cameroonian government”.
Just days after the celebration of the day to fight against child abuse which was celebrated last Saturday, June 12, what is certain is that children are the hearts of the future of our communities.
Most abuses made on children especially the girl child are sexual and attention needs to be drawn on it before it is too late. The case of Babadjou subdivision, since the start of the year, preoccupies us as the locality has witnessed 3 flagrant cases.
The two kids raped and sodomized before being poisoned in Bamelo on the 15th of April 2021, and the recent case last May 31st, of a 12-year-old child who was sexually abused by a gendarme.
Madame Naah Delphine is head of the Babadjou Social center stresses the situation of internally displaced children in the subdivision as they are the most vulnerable group of persons as they are in a strange land. She proposes the sensitization of the population on the rights of the child as the main strategic solution to this threat.
In the Bamboutos division, the second deputy to the senior divisional officer presided over activities to mark this year’s commemorations at the esplanade of the divisional delegation of social affairs. During this ceremony, children less than 18 of various backgrounds exchanged with administrative, municipal, religious and traditional authorities on the main difficulties they are exposed to and how to resolve the issues.
In Bafoussam, commemorative activities under the initiative of the Bafoussam city council were presided over by the senior divisional officer for Mifi Koulbout Aman David at the Bafoussam ceremonial ground where basic needs and anti covid19 kits were distributed to vulnerable persons.
It should be noted that these scourges are life threatening and in most cases frustrate child through their lives.