CRM party disappointed at growing unpunished police brutality

The Cameroon Renaissance Movement (CRM) party, through its human rights and governance committee has expressed disappointment at the brutality used by three police officers serving at the public security police station in the Douala II subdivision on civilians.
“In that video we see three elements of the Cameroon national police atrociously beating up a defenseless surrendered individual who shows no sign of aggression. In anger, inhumanity and barbarism, these police officers inflicted violent punches and kicks on the head and limbs of the victim already on the ground. Even if the brutalized individual initially pushed one of the police officers away, nothing can justify the torture inflicted on him, when he has surrendered” a part of a CRM release published November 7 reads.
To the CRM, this act is regrettable as police violence is on the increase and authorities seem unbothered by it encouraging the perpetrators to keep up.
“The CRM is surprised that since the publication of the said video, no comment has been made or action taken by the General Delegation for National Security, relating to available disciplinary measures against the police officers involved” the CRM realease further states.
The Kamto-led party further states “in any case, the CRM reiterates that law enforcement forces in general cannot effectively accomplish their missions without benefiting from the support of citizens. No citizen would be willing to provide them with assistance, if they do not instill within them, confidence.”
CRM, requests that, very severe sanctions be taken against the three police officers involved.