COVID-19: There Are No More Political Parties In The War Against The Enemy- Christian Penda Ekoka

The President of the management committee of the humanitarian program Survie-Cameroon-Survival Initiative, Christian Penda Ekoka, has told Interior Minister Paul Atanga Nji , that in times of crisis, they are not supposed to bring in political sentiments, but join hands together to kick the enemy out. The ally of the Cameroon Renaissance Movement reacted to a recent ultimatum given them by the Minister on their online fund collection.
“Because political parties are no longer in the war against the enemy, we have reached out to the government to work together. I have the feeling that this regime does not realize the gravity of the situation. It is either unconsciousness or incapacity, both leading to the same conclusion,” Christian Penda Ekoka said.
With this reaction, it goes without saying that the CRM and its program will not yield to the Minister’s formal notice.
“We are not going to desert the battlefield. We are continuing the fight to save the lives of our compatriots. The fund raised are safe despite threats from MINAT”, said the Chairman of the SCSI Program Management Committee.
Quoting the 1983 and 1985 laws, which demands that any person collecting funds for calamity of natural disaster, must meet the government for modalities.
A meeting with political parties will take place on Thursday April 9, 2020 at the Ministry of Territorial Administration.