COVID-19: Sharing Best Practices As Another Solution

The raging Coronavirus or COVID-19 pandemic has left the world’s health systems with scarred memories. Because the disease has already killed hundreds of thousands of people, there is an
The new Coronavirus or COVID-19 pandemic, which broke out in December 2019, continues with its trail of destruction – not only to human lives, but also to world economies. Never has the medical science world witnessed such a pandemic – so difficult to control – that has left every national health system choking. With over 4 million people affected across the globe and more than 277,000 deaths on May 11, 2020, the situation calls for enhanced collaboration and cooperation amongst nations and medical scientists.
China was the first nation to bring the disease under check – when others still considered the pandemic as a “non-event”! And so China is better placed to share its best practices on handling COVID-19. Having lost 4,633 lives out of the 82,918 people affected on May 11, 2020. Today, the new Coronavirus is almost history in China, with life having returned to near normalcy.
According to Cyprien Kapuku Kabunda, a journalist from the Democratic Republic of Congo, DRC, serving with China Radio International French-language service, China was able to contain the Coronavirus pandemic fairly quickly because of two main reasons – the discipline of the people and respect for their leaders. “The Chinese example in handling COVID-19 can be described as the triumph of its Socialist system,” notes
He supports his point by recalling that Asians are generally reserved people. “It is common for opinion leaders in some countries to spend time arguing while the situation of the pandemic worsens, he says. “In the Democratic Republic of Congo, DRC, for example, when the then Minister of Health on March 10, 2020 announced that the country had recorded its first Coronavirus case, few people took him serious. Many ridiculed the news, saying it was a ploy to secure WHO funding for an “imaginary” pandemic!” Kabunda says with obvious sadness in his voice. “And so people continued leading their lives as before, not paying attention to Coronavirus prevention measures – until it became almost too late,” the journalist recalls.
On the other hand, he adds, China was also able to tackle the pandemic because of its better infrastructure like steady electricity and Internet supply, which enabled people to work from home. Such is not the case with Africa; reason why confinement has been a major problem.
“Parcels were delivered to people at their doorsteps, with the government ensuring that the vulnerable received something to eat. Most African governments could not afford this. The new Coronavirus has brought to fore the need for Africa to upgrade its health infrastructure and health systems,” Kapuku pleads. This is also an area in which the input of the Chinese and other partners is highly welcome.
“An unexpected lesson from the pandemic is that pristine African remedies have given voice to the continent to henceforth provide solutions to international disasters,” notes Prof. Fru Asanji Fobuzshi Angwafo III, Director General of the Gynaeco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospital in Yaounde, Cameroon.
He says budding scientific research in traditional pharmacopoeia has proffered endogenous responses that are beginning to offer a glimmer of hope to Africans in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. “These positive initiatives are begging for concerted efforts and resolve to structure and fund medicinal research and its champions. It is more compelling today to muster the vigour needed to protect African fauna and flora and reward the rigours of scientific distinction,” Prof. Angwafo III adds.
At a glance, he continues, one of the lessons the pandemic is teaching everyone is that we are all members of a small village called EARTH. “Health systems the world over have been heavily impacted by the pandemic from a structural, human, material and financial standpoint. It is imperative to take a step back to assess the situation thoroughly,” the Director General suggests.
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