Ayang Luc wants 120 to purchase service car

At a time when Cameroon is facing diverse crises, being it infrastructural, political, economic, and a drastic drop in standard of living, government authorities prefer spending huge sums of money for acquisition of luxurious properties instead of brainstorming on how to use the billions of FCFA for the wellbeing of citizens who battle on a daily basis for survival.
What currently preoccupies them is to buy a Porsche service car for the president of the Economic and Social Council, Ayang Luc to the tune of FCFA 120 million.
A leaked document from the Minister of Economy, planning and regional development, Alamine Ousmane May, sent to the Presidency has revealed that the purchase of the car needs the approval of the Secretariat.
The communique asks him to ensure application of the Head of State’s high instruction as found on the reference order, for the financing and acquisition of the said vehicle.
The poor cannot breathe in Cameroon!