Court hearing for case opposing BAS member to Biya security team begins June 2

Winnie Savannah is a familiar face within the ranks of the group known as “Brigade Anti-Sardinards” commonly referred to as BAS. The group aims at fighting injustice in all forms and is known to be dominantly made of pro-Kamto supporters.
In October 2019, President Paul Biya was invited to Lyon, France, to take part in the 6th conference for the restitution of world resources and the fight against HIV/AIDS, tuberclosis and malaria.
It is during the said conference that BAS members decided to protest against Biya’s presence there backing this act on the ongoing socio-political crisis in the North West and South West regions of Cameroon. Winnie Savannah alleges that during this otherwise peaceful demonstration, members of the president’s security team violently attacked her causing injury to her leg which left her bedridden and in a wheelchair for a long while.

The case was taken to the Paris Batignolles, Métro Porte de Clichy tribunal and hearings are expected to begin on June 2nd 2022 at 1PM